Genesis 22:6-13: "The Binding of the Child" beyond gender


Often, when giving talks or teaching Toratah, the question about a Bible beyond gender comes up. For years, I really wasn’t sure how to approach this in the Biblical text, as Biblical names have meanings and most of them are gendered. What would happen if I translated the names as well? The passage above is a proof-of-concept applied to the story of the Akeda.

How to translate the Tehovah Elohin, the name of Goddess in Toratah?

I favor simplification and clear forms (פשט). Following a kabbalist commentary, I translated Elohin/Elohim into ‘THESE ARE’ meaning—the expression of multiplication through differentiation and splitting/branching. TEHOVAH/YHVH, I translated into ‘FUTURE-PRESENT’ meaning—the next present moment, or, reality as it appears at any given moment for any person.

The genderqueer form of the Akeda story, the binding of the child, revealed to me something that was previously invisible. The High-Parent is committed to ‘THESE ARE,‘ the power that causes things to split and multiply, and that power is about to express itself through High-Parent as they are about to cut and sacrifice their child. It is the angel (In Hebrew, messenger) of the FUTURE-PRESENT—the next present moment—that expands the view and redirects the attention of High-Parent to the bovide.

Where in Toratah is the power expressed through Tehovah and through Elohin?

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